MYO2 for Foot Pain

Foot pain is extremely common and can be a result of many conditions, most of which, fortunately, can be managed at home. Always consult your GP or health care professional if you are concerned or symptoms do not improve.

Plantar fasciitis

A painful heel or arch – usually experienced first thing in the morning – may be as a result of irritation or inflammation of the tough band of tissue (fascia) that runs along the sole of your foot, connecting the heel bone to the ball of your foot.

Stretch your feet and calves regularly and massage MYO2 Recovery Gel into the painful area up to five times a day. Keep a towel handy and while lying down on your bed, loop the towel over your foot and pull your toes towards you – keep your knee straight. Repeat on the other foot. You could also hang your heels over the back of a step and lower your calves down until you feel the stretch. Hold this position for 30 seconds and then return to your starting position.

These stretches, combined with the application of MYO2, wearing sensible, supportive shoes and frequent periods of rest, should help ease your pain as well as build up the strength and flexibility in your foot.

Bruising, sprains and strains

Metatarsalgia is felt in the ball of the foot and is also often referred to as a “stone bruise”. Athletes and active people often experience this as a result of their high-impact movements. Ill-fitting shoes, being overweight and the shape of your foot (a high arch, for example) could also cause metatarsalgia.

Ordinary bruising may be caused by standing on something extremely hard, causing pain or discomfort on the fat pad of your heel or ball of your foot.

The pain will gradually decrease with rest – instead of your normal exercise routine, you may have to try an alternative form of training such as swimming or cycling, which do not place as much pressure on your feet. Massaging MYO2 into the bottom of your foot and then icing the area (a cold pack or frozen bottle of water wrapped in a towel to avoid ice burn) will also help to reduce inflammation and pain. A cushioning shoe insert or metatarsal pad might help take pressure off the area.

A sprain means that you have stretched or torn a ligament – the tissue that connects two bones together. A strain is the tearing or over-stretching of muscles or tendons. If the injuries are not severe, you can try the R-I-C-E (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) protocol at home to manage your symptoms. Rest and massage the injury with MYO2 before icing the area. Bandage the area with an elastic bandage and elevate your foot to help reduce swelling.

Morton’s neuroma

Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition which causes a thickening of the tissue around the nerves between the bases of the toes. It usually affects the nerve between the third and fourth toes and can be caused by high heels or tight, pointy shoes.

Change your footwear, rest your foot/feet and massage the area between your toes with MYO2.


Complications linked to diabetes include poor circulation (resulting in poor blood flow to your feet) and nerve damage that may reduce the feeling in your feet. Without sensation in your feet, you are at risk of not noticing damage to the area – even the slightest skin crack or sore has serious implications if you are diabetic. In addition, with reduced blood flow, it is more difficult for the area to heal or resist infection.

Exercise regularly to improve your blood circulation and overall health. Do not put too much pressure on your feet – walking is ideal. Monitor your feet daily and see your doctor immediately if you notice any changes that concern you. Use a mirror or ask someone to help inspect your feet. Massage MYO2 into your feet daily. The combined effects of Arnica montana and Horse chestnut are ideally suited for the treatment of symptoms related to reduced circulation.

It is important to remember that foot pain is not normal.  Eventually foot pain will affect the way you walk and in turn, affect other aspects of your body such as your back, knees and hips. Prompt intervention will avoid unnecessary prolonged discomfort.

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